ok finally, back to blogging. - 9:15 PM
hahaha well essentially, being jobless + broke = PATHETIC
so erm since the last time i blogged, christmas and the new year has passed! hahaha ok, really late but, Merry Christmas and Happy 2007 to everyone. well 2006 was, fine enough. essentially same as 2005, just take out some fun and put in more studying. actually i should say 2006 holds one major milestone in my life. i sure do hope i'll always remember it.
k and my sis came back from vacation and went back alr! haha. went to hk for vacation. it's been many many years since we last went on a holiday together! so yupp, it was fun.
- FOOD WAS GREAT! [no, that was an understatement] we ate like dim sum twice, and had dessert everynight [and the shop is called Honeymoon -_-], and egg tarts and lao po bing etc etc
- sights were quite nice. the scenery from The Peak was nice both in the day and at night. we sat the Star Ferry from both sides of the harbour just for fun. erm sat the xiao ba too, and i'd say the drivers there drive fast.
- shopping is good if you have the money [which we don't]. so didn't shop much, besides spending the entire afternoon at the esprit outlet shop.
- flight was good. we got upgraded to business class, TWICE! =D how much luckier can we get!
ok, den new year came. celebrated new year at the Breakout party. it was fun, besides the fact that i was seriously underdressed =(
and yeah, basically after new year's day, my days have been spent watching Grey's Anatomy. [i'm hooked. i watch till 3 every morning] but i've finished season 1 and 2 in abt just more than a week, and have no idea how i'm going to lay hands on season 3.
and i went out today. which equates to spending money. well, that isn't a problem if i'm actually earning money, BUT I'M NOT! and i realised my money went into buying stuff which i think i may not use even. argh!!!!
and err, i have to start studying for my BTT, if i want to pass it =S
signing off.